Living Your Wellness

Golden Wisdom Energy Healing uses modern energy tools to reprogram the body to no longer have a negative reaction to a substance. The life changing modality is utilized to provide the most comprehensive experience to clear and release any and all resistance. It allows us to take this one step further and incorporate other high dimensional energy tools, as well as special Clair gifts to release any resistance.


Together we will

Uncover underlying resistance behind your symptoms

Dissolve and Resolve the sensitivities

Release patterns that no longer serve you

Transform underlying limiting beliefs and trauma

Restore flow and balance in your life

Create lightness and tranquility 

What you get

Intention Requests Fulfilled

1 Hour long sessions by phone or Zoom

Message support between sessions

Video recorded sessions

Meditation recordings

Tools, resources and recommendations


Group and Special Healing Programs at the Living Your Wellness School.


client love

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